Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Capitalism: a love story

This is a Michael Moore film, so it is a documentary. It was pretty entertaining, like most of his documentaries, but of course if you do not agree with his world view, or are the kind of person that is not open to someone else's opinions, you would probably hate his movies.

The movie opens on a foreclosure of a house, with the sheriff arriving and breaking down the doors. It is a horrible and scary thing to watch. But part of me wonders why or how these folks got into this predicament. And of course Moore gives his ideas about that. But anytime you sign your house over to someone for money and the note says they can take your house if you don't pay them, then they should be aware that this will happen. The real story is the real estate bubble and all these fucking flippers of real estate. Real estate should be an investment, but for landlords, and individual families, not for some fucker that just wants to flip it. But that is my take on the whole thing.

You should let yourself watch Moore's movies, he may not be completely right about the whole thing, but he definitely has an interesting perspective.

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