Saturday, November 9, 2013


We saw this one at the Asian film festival.  It is a Japanese film with English subtitles.  It was so bad that it ended up being almost good.  It was based on a manga.  Dude is abducted and wakes up in a shipping container bound and gagged, he frees himself from bondage but is still stuck in the container.  Dude starts communicating through the wall with other abductees, and they figure out they are headed for China, they were all on a plane that was flying over China many years ago when a mine explosion had forced a landing.  So they all have something in common.  Turns out vatos daughter is in the shipping container next door.  Oh, I forgot to mention the rock, the single rock that is in the container with each abductee.  The rock is DELHITO.  For days after this movie all I had to say was, DELHITO and my wife and I would laugh.  I'll try it right now and see if it still works.  Yep, we both laughed.  That alone makes it a good movie to me.

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