Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Last Air Bender

I don't know why I saw this movie. I have never seen any of the cartoons that it is based on, but it looked interesting, and M. Knight Shamalamadingdong directed it, and I usually like his movies.

I did not see M. Knight's touch on this movie at all. It could've been directed by anyone. I remember this letter from William S. Burroughs to, I think, Allen Ginsburg, where Burroughs expresses his worries that the stuff he is writing could be written by anyone. Well, some artists imprimatur are unmistakable. They cannot hide themselves. But I guess Knight can. But I do not blame him, sometimes work is about getting paid, even if it is creative work.

The story is an interesting idea, with the world being divided into tribes that are somehow related to the basic elements: earth, air, fire, and water. The fire tribe seems to be super aggressive and is trying to rule the world. The last air bender is important because I guess air benders can manipulate all the elements. Each tribe is supposed to have people that can bend or manipulate that tribe's element.

It was not an amazing movie. It was enjoyable.

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