Saturday, December 19, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I was genuinely excited to see this new iteration of Star Wars.  This version did not disappoint.  It was like all the old movies mushed into one film with many interesting new characters with a few enough of the old sprinkled in.  Of course, I do not remember any of the new characters' names, so, when new Darth Vader killed old Han Solo, I was pretty surprised, but it fit with the badness of the new Darth.  My only problem with that is that these movies are heavily marketed to kids, and the only death I remember from the old movies was when Obi Wan Kenobi is cut down by Darth, it was done in such a way that you are not really sure what happened.  There is no wondering about this son killing his father face to face.  Pretty harsh if you ask me.  Of course in the old movies, Skywaker has his arm cut off, and that is pretty scary for a kid to see.  I guess this is the new Disney:  face to face killings.  But overrall, for me, I enjoyed the movie and look forward to more.

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