Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Wolverine

I have to admit that whenever I think of wolverine I think of the movie Red Dawn when the Ruskies invade 'Murica, and the high school mascot of the high school kids is a wolverine.  There is that scene where they all yell Wolverine.

But this is a movie about mutant wolverine that can't seem to croak and is indestructible.  In this movie a Japanese fellow, that Wolverine had previously saved during double u double u 2, that same fellow Wolverine saved from the atom bomb, tries to steal Wolverines powers and kill Wolverine in the process.

Of course there is some devious mutant that poisons Wolverine, and everyone seems to have guns in Japan, as if Japan were 'Murica with gun shops on every street corner, "I'll take some sushi, a pack of cigs, and an Uzi to go please."

This ends in typical Hollywood fashion, bad guy dead, good guy alive and with all kinds of girls fawning over him as he heads off into the sunset in a fancy jet.  Yeah!  Wolverine!

But don't leave yet, they give you a hint about the next Xman flick.

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