Thursday, December 19, 2013


We watched this one today.  The last movie with Paul Walker set in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina.  Sad movie with Walkers's character's wife dying during childbirth, the child being born prematurely and needing a respirator, the drama coming from the electrical issues caused by hurricane Katrina.  Of course some looters come into the hospital and Walker's character has to shoot them.  Louisiana, the home of David Duke.  All in all it was a very sad movie.  Thinking about Walker acting mournful.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hunger Games 2

So this is the second part of the Hunger Games trilogy.   I have not read any of the books.  This film was entertaining with Jennifer Lawrence and Woody Harrelson playing interesting roles.  The film made me think about the disparity between the wealthy and everyone else in The US.  It ends with the beginning of some planned rebellion.  It is kind of awkward when one of the characters knows nothing about a planned rebellion but then shuts the Hunger games down.